Associate membership is available for entrepreneurs, consultants, artists, and home-based businesses.

Benefits of Joining the MRBA

  1. Meet and network with community leaders, businesses, and potential partners that can help promote and grow your business.

  2. Be heard on issues that matter to you. MRBA lobbies local governments on behalf of the business community.

  3. Receive updates on the latest developments in the community, new businesses openings, and events that affect you and your business.

  4. Develop your entrepreneurial skills through educational programs and seminars.

  5. Participate in joint marketing programs and partnerships that will help you market your business.

How to Join

To join, please fill out this form and mail a check to:

Mount Rainier Business Association (MRBA)
P.O. Box 213
Mount Rainier, MD 20712

Please include your name, address, phone number, and email address.

MRBA welcomes the following recent associate members:

Mayor Malinda Miles